Do you want to improve your vibora to be able to win more balls and points in your rext game?
Good! Then you’re at the right place!
I den här artikeln går vi igenom följande:
In this article, we will go through the following:
- How you carry trhrough a vibora in 3 steps
- 3 tips to get a better vibora from Andréas Johansson (Youtube-video)
- Tips of techniques from Caytano Rocafort (Youtube-video)
- Tips on things to avoid when you’re hit a vibora
Innehållet på denna sidan
Under here you will get all the tips you get from the video Andréas Johansson.
How to do a vibora in three steps
The vibora is a side smash often used in conjunction with the bandeja, but this is a slightly more aggressive version that is also a little more complicated to execute. So don’t worry if it takes a while to get it right, that’s perfectly normal. Like most strokes in padle, the best thing you can do is to practice the technique first without the ball, then with the ball.
Steg 1: Setting up for the stroke
When you see your opponent hitting a lob and you’re close to the net, it might be a good time to hit a vibora. Start with your side facing the net – if you’re right-handed it’s the left side, otherwise the other way round. Keep your feet moving to get into the best possible position. Prepare your elbow in a high position, it should be at a right angle to your armpit.
Steg 2: Technique through the stroke
The ball should be struck at the three o’clock position, from the side, for maximum sidespin. The racket should move forward and downward, being sure to hit through the stroke properly for best effect – your racket should sweep in front of your body in a diagonal motion and end in front of the opposite hip.
Bear in mind at all times that you’re aiming for a flat ball court, so the ball should barely bounce upwards, just sideways.
You must be behind the ball when you hit it, and your body weight must be moving forward at the moment of impact. The vibora should always be placed in the corners, close to the back wall or side glass.
Steg 3: The goal of the stroke
The aim of a correctly executed vibora is first and foremost to maintain your position in front of the net, this should always be your number one priority. In the best possible scenario, you will defeat the opponents and win the points by the unpredictable bounce of the ball against the side glass and the back wall, but if nothing else, you should make the return as difficult as possible for your opponent.
As long as you maintain the initiative, you’ll most likely get another shot at the next ball. Keep in mind that it should bounce far back in the court, just 1-2 meters from the back wall, close to the opponent’s feet.
Tips from Caytano Rocafort together with Patric Persson on how to improve your vibora
Tips to improve your vibora
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the vibora is far from a simple stroke, and it is not very likely that you will achieve your desired result overnight. Patience is key if we want to take our game to the next level.
It’s worth bearing in mind that rackets that have some sort of textured hitting surface will be very helpful in terms of achieving the screwed and sliced strokes. Rough surfaces will ensure that you get a better grip on the ball at the moment of impact, and you’ll find that it’s easier to produce glorious spin.
Tips 1: Use the back glass to practice the short swing
The back glass is a very good place to practice the technique of the swing. You absolutely should not focus on power or placement, but only on the swing and the effect. Keep your elbow high enough and hit the ball from the outside, on the side, and then sweep diagonally in front of your body. Once that piece of the puzzle is in place, you’re ready to go to the next step and practice in front of the net to get the right speed and precise placement.
Tips 2: Practice cutting the ball from the side
The most important detail when it comes to succeeding with the vibora is the sidespin. If you don’t get a good spin on the ball, it will just bounce off the glass in the back wall, and that can give the upper hand to a quick-thinking opponent who is good at reading the play.
It is extremely difficult to guess where the ball will go in a vibora, and because the bounce is so low, it’s almost impossible to catch up. So it’s all about hitting the ball from the side, think three o’clock, not from below or above.
Tips 3. Hire a lane and ask a friend to give you lob after lob
If you have a friend who is at about the same level as you, you have the perfect opportunity to help each other get better.
Just as free-kick specialists in football stand outside the penalty area and practice various free-kick variations for hour after hour, in padel, it’s also by far the most effective way to get the best technique as quickly as possible If you’re just practicing while playing matches and the right time comes to hit a vibora, it will be a long time before it becomes a productive shot in your skill set.
The ideal solution is for you to rent a court together once or twice just to practice the strokes you want to perfect, it’s really worth it, and you’ll be able to surprise your opponents with your rapid development the next time you meet on the court.

What to avoid when hitting a vibora in padel
Under here is 3 common mistakes that alot of people do when performing the vibora.
1. Only hit the ball in the right moment
Avoid hitting a vibora unless you’re sure it’s a good option. If you feel you won’t get to the correct position, choose another stroke. If you are too far back in the court or the pace is too slow, choose a stroke that can handle a slower pace.
2. Hit it far back in the court
Be careful not to let the ball bounce too early, it needs to be far back to have the intended effect and win you the points. An early bounce gives your opponent plenty of time to knock the ball back, and even if you manage to get that awesome side shot, it’s nowhere near as complicated as bouncing it between the walls in the corner.
3. Don't swing it to short or too long
Avoid making the swing too short. A vibora without a side screw is basically a regular volley, and to get the correct effect you need to hit through the swing properly.
Do you want to learn more about padel?
Elitepadel hava a series of articles that we call the padel school. Here is a example on a few articles: